
Archive for April, 2011


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The controversial issue

‎’I mean, do people really think that’s Natalie Portman doing all that dancing in the movie?’

Me, as an audience to answer this question: ‘Seriously, yes!  Even me dancing ballet for almost five years (but not a professional, for sure, and will never be for this life) and understanding the ballet field for about eight years had thought that Natalie Portman did most of the ballet work in Black Swan at first!  But after watching the movie over and over again, I began doubting if Natalie could really dance ‘amazingly’ within only few months’ practice.  Not to mention the POINTE work, it really needs to take years and years practice to make ‘en pointe’ dancing perfect.  Is it really possible Natalie Portman can dance on the toes within few months’ practice, even doing pirouettes and fouettes?  I know Natalie took ballet lessons and could really dance ballet before she became a movie actress, but I mean, that was a long long time ago.  People I know from my ballet studio have stopped the dancing for a long while want to recollect their dancing, they all need to take ballet classes from the basic work, because they don’t know if their body condition can keep them dance as well as before after a long rest.’

‘Do you think Natalie Portman deserves Oscar any less?’

Again, me, as an audience to answer this question: ‘Definitely not.  Do you realise what ‘actor/actress’ means and what the Academy Award is going on?  I believe that the judges in the Academy Award fairly judged Natalie Portman’s acting, not her dancing, because the dancing part wasn’t their professional, and none of them really said Natalie Portman won the Oscar due to her dancing. And before the scene in Black Swan, she really put herself into an intense ballet training although it’s only few months if you really want to talk about the dancing.  Therefore, Natalie Portman absolutely deserves the Oscar!  And Sarah Lane absolutely should get the credit for the movie! They can’t lie about this to the audience anyway.’

Okay, I know the interviewer isn’t asking me all these questions, but I mean, I’m just giving an ‘audience’s point of view’ to this controversial issue.  And I really have to say, the computer technology was incredibly done with an ‘amazing’ job, wasn’t it?

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In your whole life time, there’s always something that you must start in your young age.  If you ever miss the time, then you’ll ever be specialized in the fields, such as ballet, or even ‘playing’ classical music.

A proverb says, ‘Never too late to learn.’  Indeed, it is never too late to learn anything if you take learning as a hobby, but it is too late to be a professional or an expert if you start it in your adult age.  . . .

To be continued . . .

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Hmmm . . . I’m a woman, but this really turns me on ; )

And how about this one? ; )

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A good site to share


Here it offers lots of useful ballet information.

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If you have watched the movie – Black Swan, and you’re interested in the ballet scene more than the sexual content (I know most people enjoy the sex scene a lot), then I’d strongly recommend watching the following documentary, and you’d understand being an outstanding dancer, like a principal dancer (or the name in Paris Opera Ballet, called ‘Etoile’), is not only about being perfect, but there’s a dream that you never know when you’re going to approach, even by the time you’re getting older and time to be retired.

I cried so hard when I saw her dancing Swan Lake 😥

Here I post the same scene that Veronique Doisneau being a member of corps de ballet in Swan Lake, but the version is from Royal Opera Ballet. (Marianela Nunez is really born to be playing Odette and Odile)

Which did you mainly focus on? The main characters or the corps de ballet?

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The music???

I’d love to know the music when Natalia Makarova was doing En dedans and Chaîné.


And this one, I can’t recognise if the music at the beginning is from any ballet.

(I so much love French style ballet because I’m trained by French style 🙂  This is rare in Taiwan, most ballet training here goes with Russian style.)

Merci beaucoup! 😀

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