
Archive for August, 2012

Respond to the video from 18:23 to 24:40, the ballet I’ve been looking for the name for a loooooooooong time!!!


If you can not play the video here, plz go to: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=3561220388511817079

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Atonement – final scene

Atonement . . . I have watched it many times, and I cry each time I watch it. I cried because of the story. Today, 26th August 2012, ITV3 was broadcasting Atonement on the TV . . . I cried again, but this time was different . . . . . . Tube station . . . shelter . . . war . . . , and the memories . . . my memories . . . I burst into tears . . . because of my own story.

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Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

I got this saying from an animation, Chicken Run. I like it very much, and it is always my belief!

When my friends begin doubting if they are able to achieve what they dream, what they wish, I always tell them with a cheerful smile, “YOU WILL DO IT”. Instead of telling them what they “can”, I rather make them more confident, I say to them, “You will”. “Can” is a choice, but “Will” is a persistent statement that will make people see their bright future.

As my UK study is about to finish, but I still want to stay in England for a bit while because I love England. So I say to myself, “If I happen to go back to Taiwan, I WILL come back and make myself a living in England very soon, in a year.” I have a will, and “I WILL.”

People ask me, “Don’t you miss your family?”

Yes, I do, and I miss them and love them so much. But it is the freedom I’m pursuing (I grew up in a very protective family), and it is the English speaking environment I’m pursuing. No matter where I go, that doesn’t decrease the love I give my family. 🙂

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I was watching a programme called, “Exploring China: A culinary Adventure” (which two TV presenters travelled to China to explore mainly Chinese food and then with Chinese culture), on BBC iPlayer, because I was really missing Taiwanese food and Chinese cuisines. At first, I thought the lady was from China because of the name of the programme, but NO! I accidentally learned that this famous TV presenter in British media industry was originally from my home country, Taiwan. I’m very proud of her 🙂

She has programmes with BBC, Channel 4, Channel 5, Good Food Channel, etc.

If you google her, you’ll realise how famous she is in England!





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