
Archive for December, 2012

Grammar test for every 11-year-old: Gove unveils back-to-basics exam to drive up standards




First of all, I do think native English speakers who want to be an English language teacher of ESL or EFL need to LEARN grammar and also learn to know how and why sentences structure. Being capable to speak the language doesn’t mean being able to teach. Even people who speak English as their first language make grammatical mistakes. When they understand the grammar structure, they’ll grow their empathy and understanding of why ESL and EFL students make grammatical mistakes and why they want to know the explanation of sentences structure. Do NOT say “Stupid” to ESL or EFL students when they make mistakes. Do NOT say “I just know it” when they ask for explanations and you don’t know how. Then I don’t think you’re a hard-working teacher. Do your research and STUDY!

Secondly, in fact, the population of ESL and EFL is larger than that of who speak English as their first language. Who uses the correct language? And why users of ESL and EFL should be called “non-native”? “Native” and “Non-native” are actually improper names to define the users of English. Chomsky’s (English) native speaker fallacy results in racial discrimination.

Ahhh, I so much want to go back to Brighton to study again!!!

And, sign, I’m being critical again.

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Robbie Parker, 30, the father of six-year-old Emilie, discusses ‘horrific tragedy’ and tells of ‘beautiful, blonde, smiling’ daughter

Robbie Parker

Relatives of the victims of the Sandy Hook school shootings have been speaking about their grief, as the names of the victims were officially published on Saturday.

Robbie Parker, 30, father of six-year-old Emilie Parker, showed remarkable compassion in remarks in which he extended his support to the family of the man who took his daughter’s life.

“It is a horrific tragedy and I want everyone to know that our hearts and prayers go out to them. This includes the family of the shooter,” Parker said.

“I cannot imagine how hard this experience is for you. Our love and support goes out to you as well.”

Parker, who works at . . .

Keep reading: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/dec/16/father-newtown-victim-love-support


Wow, this is so beautiful. The true forgiveness. Robbie Parker is a great model to me! I admire him!

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D’awwwwww 🙂 🙂 🙂


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I want to read her book.





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I see my dogs 😀 😀 😀

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