
Archive for July, 2014


The aftermath of MH17

Wars in Gaza

‘I want my father’: This photo of a desperate, injured Palestinian boy, released today, captures the tragic and bloody tension of the conflict in Gaza. (Daily Mail)


I’ve never taken any interest in politics, now you selfish and disgusting politicians make me hate it!!!

Why do the innocent always have to pay for their lives for your selfishness? Do you not have a soul?

I can’t bear to see the innocent children suffer. It’s really heartbreaking!!! What faults have you found in them, so you have to punish them by killing them?

I don’t want to see such dreadful pictures on daily news!!! PLEASE!!! STOP THE WARS!!!


I can’t really imagine the life and the fear of living in war zones. When I think about it, it gives me chill.


Pictures cited in Daily Mail

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